Zurich Insurance Company Ltd ئاپەکان

HomeFlix – Assicurazione Online 1.0.84-production
Zurich Insurance Company Ltd
Homeflix è l’app per proteggere la tua casa in ogni momento, daidanni e dal furto: l’unica assicurazione mensile online valida siaper le case di proprietà che per le case in affitto, sviluppata daZurich Connect in collaborazione con Yolo, il principale brokerinsurtech italiano. Richiedi un preventivo assicurazione onlinepersonalizzato per avere la copertura assicurativa più adatta a tee alle tue esigenze e l’assicurazione casa mensile più conveniente.Oltre a fare un preventivo e acquistare l’assicurazione online perla tua casa, con Homeflix puoi contare su un’assistenza dedicata24h su 24 e puoi accedere ad altri servizi utili semplicementetramite chat. Scegli la polizza assicurativa Homeflix e avrai lamassima flessibilità e tutti i vantaggi per la protezione della tuacasa. HomeFlix non è una semplice assicurazione ma nell’apptroverai anche tanti servizi utili per la tua casa, come la ricercadi un idraulico, di un altro tecnico o, ad esempio, il servizio dilavanderia a domicilio. Assistenza immediata e funzioni utili: -Servizio chat bot per ogni tua esigenza - Area riservata con tuttele informazioni sulle tue assicurazioni: scadenze dei pagamenti ecoperture incluse in polizza - Certificato di assicurazionedigitale sempre a portata di smartphone - Servizio avvisi perricordati le scadenze e altre informazioni importanti - Possibilitàdi modificare totalmente online il tipo di polizza aggiungendonuove coperture - Denuncia del sinistro direttamente tramite chatcon attivazione della procedura totalmente online - Monitoraggiodello stato della pratica del sinistro e del risarcimento dannoassicurazione - Assistenza immediata per i sinistri comeallegamenti, guasti elettrici, furti e incendi all’immobile -Calcolo e salvataggio dei tuoi preventivi online per consultarli inogni momento - Gestione dei rinnovi - Modifica della polizza:sospensione e riattivazione della tua assicurazione mensile, cambiaresidenza o i tuoi dati personali - Tanti altri servizi diconcierge disponibili, tutti utili per la tua casa, come ilservizio di lavanderia a domicilio
Zurich Klinc Auto 1.2.3
Zurich Insurance Company Ltd
Zurich Klinc Auto, tu seguro de coche 100% digital, personalizado ya un par de clics. Personaliza, elige y gestiona tu seguro de cochedesde la app oficial en tu móvil o tablet: Con la app del seguro decoche de Zurich Klinc, podrás: - Personalizar las coberturas de tuseguro de coche y decide qué modalidad se ajusta a tu coche y a tubolsillo. - Elegir el valor por el cual quieres asegurar tu coche ydefine tu cobertura para daños propios. - Notificar tus siniestrosa través de la app y consulta su estado rápidamente. - Modificar oañade tarjetas de crédito para el pago de tu seguro de coche. -Realizar la renovación anual de tu seguro a través de la app deforma intuitiva y transparente, sabiendo cuáles son las condicionesy modificándolas si lo consideras necesario. - Contratar de formaágil y sencilla un nuevo seguro para otros vehículos a través de laapp y gestiona todos tus seguros desde la misma sesión. Con ZurichKlinc Auto, seguros de lo que eres: • Totalmente personalizado: Elprecio que calcules para tu seguro de coche lo decides tú. Disfrutadel pago flexible. • Sin letra pequeña: Te lo contamos todo sobretu seguro de coche, desde el principio. Transparente: sin letrapequeña ni tecnicismos. • 100% digital: Sin papeleo, tendrás todala documentación de tu seguro en tu móvil y podrás descargarla silo necesitas. • A tu lado: Formamos parte del grupo Zurich: teguiamos y ayudamos cuando nos necesites y te recomendamos la pólizaque se ajusta más a tus necesidades.
Zurich Pulse 0.0.215
Zurich Insurance Company Ltd
The Zurich Pulse employee app, you can’t live or work withoutit.Zurich Pulse gives Zurich UK employees and contractors access toarange of features to make their day-to-day work and lifeeasier.Features include - Employee Discounts - Office Information-Employee Phone Book - Zurich news In-app pushnotifications,tailored to individual user needs are also availableto alertemployees of important information. The app ensures allemployeesalways have the latest Zurich information contained withintheirpocket.
Zurich Risk Advisor
Zurich Insurance Company Ltd
Zurich Risk Advisor’s risk assessment tools and expert guidancemakerisk management easy, covering key risks such asCybersecurity,Fire, Flood, Employer’s Liability, WorkersCompensation, MotorFleet, Safety, and more. Built with theknowledge and experience of750+ risk professionals, you canidentify your risks and learn howto reduce them, all from yourphone. All for free. Designed forbusiness owners, risk managers,site health and safety managers,property site managers, and anyonethat simply wants to betterprotect and grow their business. ZurichRisk Advisor gives you: •Free risk assessment tools that fit yourbusy schedule • Instantguidance and Risk Improvement Ideastailored to your business • Anoverview of the way Zurich views andmeasures risk • Access toZurich’s risk insights for traditionaland emerging risks • Weeklysafety tips to remind you of bestpractices to keep your businesssafe • Tools that can be easilyused by your staff FEATURES: REMOTECOLLABORATION: Video call yourRisk Engineer with special featurestailored to help best serveyou. Contact your Zurich Risk Engineerto learn how to schedule avirtual visit. RISK SNAPSHOT: Five,simple Yes/No questions makerisk assessment easy. Simply completeone question set when youjust have a few minutes in your busy day.Receive immediatefeedback on what you are doing well and how youcan improve.Complete a series of question sets for a comprehensiveview of yourrisk. RISK IMPROVEMENT IDEAS: Actionable guidancegenerated fromRisk Snapshot to protect your business. Manage andtrack to monitorprogress toward completion. Built by our riskexperts, followingthis guidance can help prevent and mitigate risk.SELF RISKASSESSMENT: In-depth assessment you can perform that usesthe sameRisk Grading criteria used by Zurich Risk Engineers.Provides RiskImprovement Ideas, Risk Grading score band, and RiskCategoryrating of excellent, good, fair, or poor. WHAT IF: Aninsider’sview into Zurich’s Risk Grading methodology. Ideal forZurichcustomers with a Risk Grading report that want to understandtheRisk Grading score impact of improving certain risks. WEEKLYSAFETYTIPS: Delivered weekly in a notification, these safety tipscover abroad range of topics to protect you, your staff, andcustomers.Tap on the banner to view best practices and additionalresources.ZURICH HAZARD ANALYSIS: Easily capture and document theoutcomes ofZurich’s Hazard Analysis process. This methodologyallows a team toanalyze risk in a quantitative manner bybrainstorming hazardscenarios, generating a risk profile, settingtolerance boundariesand devising a plan of prioritized riskimprovements. Contact yourRisk Engineer to learn more. SAFE ANDSECURE Zurich Risk Advisoruses secure identity management withmulti-factor authentication tokeep your information safe. BUILT FORBUSINESSES OF ALL SIZESZurich Risk Advisor is for businesses of allshapes and sizes,whether you are just starting your business ormanaging multiplelocations in different countries. Understandingyour risk and howyou can manage it can be challenging, let ZurichRisk Advisor helpyou. MY ZURICH CUSTOMERS Zurich customers that useMy Zurich enjoyeven more benefits. For each location, riskassessment reports andmore can be viewed from Zurich Risk Advisor.You may: • View riskassessment data • Perform self risk assessments• Track, monitor,and update Risk Improvement Actions • Conduct WhatIf Risk Gradingscenarios ABOUT ZURICH RISK ENGINEERING RiskEngineering providesdata, tools and insights to help you makeinformed decisions aroundyour risk management strategies andmanaging your total cost ofrisk. QUESTIONS, SUGGESTIONS? Contact usatzurichriskadvisor@zurich.com
Zurich HK Insurance and Claims 2.1.03
Zurich Insurance Company Ltd
“Zurich HK” places the services and information you need atyourfingertips: from instant purchase of insurance to claimssubmissionto smart tips for emergencies, all are readily availablethroughthis app. Check out Zurich HK’s products Browse Zurich HK’sfullrange of GI individuals products by category, includingmedicalinsurance, personal accident insurance, travel insurance,motorinsurance and home insurance an domestic helper insurance.Instantbuy Buy insurance instantly in the app, including our mostpopularproducts Get “Z” Go travel insurance plan, HomeChoiceinsuranceplan and PAMultiple personal accident insurance plan.Claimssubmission and more Make claims and receive attentiveservices forthe following categories: Individual Medical Insurance• Directclaim submission for Hospital Cash and Surgical Cash •“Find aDoctor” function Travel Insurance • Direct claim submissionsforluggage damage or delay, clinical expense, travel delay, etc.•In-app travel emergency hotline Motor Insurance • Locationserviceof nearby garages that provide cashless windshield repair •Actiondepiction tool for traffic accident scene for a moreefficientclaims approval process Domestic Helper Insurance • Directclaimsubmission for outpatient benefit for domestic helperHomeInsurance • Direct claim submission for repair-relatedexpenses,including electricians, plumbers, locksmiths and etc. •In-app homeemergency hotline Smart tips for emergencies Get ourtips on how tohandle emergencies and prepare for insurance claims.News andoffers Learn about Zurich HK’s latest news and promotionswith afew clicks. For enquiries, please call the Zurich CustomerServiceHotline at +852 2968 2288 or e-mail us atenquiry@hk.zurich.com.
ZURICH Peritación Digital 3.1.6
Zurich Insurance Company Ltd
Zurich mejora su servicio al asegurado por medio delavideoperitación.
Zurich Klinc Seguros on Demand 2.1.17
Zurich Insurance Company Ltd
A través de la APP de Klinc puedes gestionar tu seguro siemprequequieras. Es un espacio digital súper sencillo e intuitivo dondetútienes el control de tu póliza. Sin letras pequeñas. Sinpapeleos.Tú decides cuándo y cómo activar tu seguro. Descarganuestra App ytoma el poder. Desde allí puedes: • Comprobar elestado de tusseguros desde un único lugar. • Navegar por nuestrascategorías ycontratar la protección que necesitas en solo un clic.• Apagar yencender tus coberturas en tu seguro de dispositivoselectrónicos.• Consultar tu saldo, tus recibos, tus datospersonales y muchomás. Zurich Klinc es el seguro que no creías queexistía. Ahorapuedes proteger tu estilo de vida con nuestrosseguros paradispositivos, movilidad personal, vida e hipoteca. ¿Hashecho elKlinc? Contrata tu seguro en www.klinc.com
One Zurich for Employees 1.1.2155
Zurich Insurance Company Ltd
The One Zurich app is for employees, visitors and contractors andisyour perfect workplace companion, helping you get through yourdayas easily as possible. The following features are available inthiscurrent version: 1) Access to useful global, regional andbuildinginformation. 2) Useful visitor information that will helpyouarrange travel to a Zurich building and help you get familiarwiththe local visitor policies. 3) Book a resource in any ofthecurrently supported buildings using our sophisticatedschedulingtool. 4) Familiarise yourself with the layout of a Zurichbuilding,view floorpans and access detailed information about thevariousrooms and spaces in the building. 5) Local travelinformation andlive departures. 6) View the events calendar for abuilding and seewhere events are taking place. 7) View FAQs andsend new questionsto your local support teams. 8) Provide feedbackabout the localservices, amenities and office environment. 9)Register for digitalaccess (supported buildings only). 10) Manymore features andmodules are in the pipeline and coming soon.
Zurich Risk Appetite App 2.0.1
Zurich Insurance Company Ltd
The Risk Appetite App from Zurich enables brokers to reviewZurich’srisk appetite and identify which client submissions couldbesuitable for insurance coverage from Zurich at a global,regional,and local level. The app includes a breakdown by industryofappetite, and line of business. For each line of business atacountry level there is a named contact who can be approachedtodiscuss the opportunity, making it easier for brokers tounderstandZurich’s risk appetite and engage with key Zurichemployees toidentify viability for specific customers. The Appcurrentlyprovides an overview of Zurich’s risk appetite, coverageandcapacity in the following countries: • Australia • Belgium •Brazil• Canada • France • Germany • Mexico • The Netherlands •TheNordics • Singapore • Spain • Switzerland • UK • USA Withanadditional ‘Global’ view to provide overarching context. Ifyouhave a client and you want to understand whether Zurich hastheright type of coverage in your country, then this App willprovideyou with the answers.
Zurich Telemedicina 2.0.0
Zurich Insurance Company Ltd
Zurich Travel offers you an innovation for your medical care.Theterm telemedicine originates from the Greek word 'tele',whichmeans distance. Although in Brazil, it is a resource that isstillrarely used, Telemedicina covers all medical practiceperformed ata distance, regardless of the instrument used forthisrelationship. The practice originates in Israel and iswidelyapplied in the United States, Canada and European. AtZurichTravel, we offer you the Telemedicine resource for themedicalconsultation procedure in the United States, when weidentified thefollowing symptoms: Allergies, Asthma, Bronchitis,Cold, Vomiting,constipation, Diarrhea, Ear Infection, Sinusitis,Pain throat,fever, headache, joint pain, insect bites, nausea,cracks, andurinary tract infection. By downloading our application,you willbe able to talk to our Call Center via WIFI, phone or chat.Ouroperator will initiate the assistance by identify where you areandwhether your current health conditions fit into thequalifyingsymptoms previously defined. If you are in the UnitedStates, ouroperator will offer you this alternative, which ismorecomfortable, since you do not have to go to anymedicalestablishment. By agreeing, our operator will scheduleyourappointment and provide an access code so that at theindicatedlocal time you enable your conversation with the medicalprovider.For your convenience the medical provider speaksPortuguese. Theconsultation time is around 12 to 15 minutes longand if there is aneed for medication, our medical provider willidentify where youare and will contact the drugstore closest toyour address. Thedoctor will contact the pharmacist and prescribethe medicationover the phone. You should go to the drugstore topurchase and youmay even receive a discount on the medicine.
Zurich ZIO Members App 1.0.5
Zurich Insurance Company Ltd
Welcome to the new world of easy savings management! The ZurichZIOMembers App is the quick and convenient way to keep track ofyourworkplace retirement and savings plan. Available to membersofcompany sponsored International Pension Plans (IPPs) arrangedviaZurich International, the Zurich ZIO Members App allows you to:-Get a clear overview of your: o Fund Values o ContributionsoWithdrawals - Keep an eye on your underlying investmentfunds,units held and values - Review your contribution history -Viewyour investment selections - Check your beneficiary selectionsYoucan also set your own personal savings goal so you can monitorhowthe amount of contributions you make, and your investments,areperforming for you each time you check in! Simply registerwithyour Zurich International Online (ZIO) login details and thenuseFace and Touch ID to obtain real-time access to your details.Ifyou cannot remember your ZIO login details, you can resetthemHERE. The days of boring, traditional retirement or savingsplanslooking after themselves in the background are gone, it’s timetomake investing interesting.